Annual UF MLK Celebration

Published: January 13th, 2012

Category: Memos

Jarrod Cruz, Director of Multicultural & Diversity Affairs

Multicultural & Diversity Affairs is proud to showcase the annual University of Florida Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration 2012. The University of Florida celebrates Dr. King’s legacy and his commitment to social justice through a collaborative campus-wide celebration of educational programs, social events and service initiatives designed to empower participants to use their strengths, passions, and talents to better the lives of others and impact their community. This year’s celebration will be from Monday, January 16th through Tuesday, January 31st.

A highlight of some of this year’s events is listed below. We encourage you to come out and support one or many of these events, share them with your students or print and display an events calendar that can be downloaded from our website around your office/area/unit. Our website is Many of the events/programs below have been sponsored or co-sponsored by departments and units across the campus. Descriptions and sponsors for each of the events/programs below can be found online.

Monday, January 16th
Day of Service
Plaza of the Americas

Day of Service Reflection & Celebration of Dr. King
Touchdown Terrace

King Celebration Annual Commemorative March
12:00pm (March begins at 1:00pm)
Bo Diddley Plaza

Tuesday, January 17th
Leaving Your Legacy Through Student Involvement
Reitz Union 284

D.I.V.E.R.S.I.T.Y.: How to Survive Change, Create Culture & Unite the Divide
Reitz Union Grand Ballroom

Thursday, January 19th
Inside the Activist’s Studio: A Sit-In w/ Margaret Block
Ustler Hall Atrium

Friday, January 20th   
Women in the Civil Rights Movement Panel
Ustler Hall Atrium

Candlelight Vigil
Reitz Union Amphitheatre

Tuesday, January 24th
Immigration Policy Forum
Matthews Suite, Reitz Union

Miss Representation Screening: “Gender Role in Society”
Auditorium, Reitz Union

Wednesday, January 25th
MLK Celebration Keynote Speaker: A Night w/ Danny Glover
Phillips Performing Arts Center

Monday, January 30th  
CommUNITY: Honoring Civil Rights Leaders
Broward Hall Basement

Tuesday, January 31st
Portraits of Poverty and Wealth: Beyond Statistics
Orange & Brew, Reitz Union

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Jarrod Cruz at or (352) 392-1217 x246. Visit us online at

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