Online Faculty Assignment Report (FAR) Required Starting Summer “A” 2012
Joseph Glover, Provost and Senior Vice President
The online Faculty Assignment Report (FAR), an important part of the University’s new Effort Reporting Initiative, is available for use for the Spring 2012 semester.
The use of the online FAR will remain optional for the Spring 2012 semester. Beginning with Summer “A” 2012, all faculty must use the online FAR.
An informational session is available in myUFL: RSH200 Effort Reporting. This session provides descriptions of the new effort activity categories, step-by-step instructions for using the online FAR, and custom viewing tracks of information specifically tailored to the busy schedules of deans, chairs, and faculty. To enroll for RSH200 in myUFL (, after signing on, click Main Menu > My Self Service > Training and Development > Request Training Enrollment. Search for course number RSH200.
Starting with Summer 2012, the FAR must be completed at the beginning of each semester for all University of Florida employees with a faculty title. The purpose of the FAR is to document the assignment of faculty duties and responsibilities around the core areas of education, research, and service. IFAS and Health Science Center faculty have additional responsibilities in the areas of extension and clinical practice.
The person responsible for determining assigned duties, often the department chair, will contact the faculty member prior to making an official assignment. If needed, the faculty member should be granted a conference to express any concerns. After the assignment is approved, the FAR will be presented to the faculty member for acknowledgement.
Although the use of guidelines for faculty assignment is encouraged, it’s important that guidelines not be extended to “hard and fast” rules or formulas. The FAR should accurately reflect the projected proportion of time the faculty member plans to spend on various duties, and should not be based on rules or formulas.
Thank you for your participation and support for this important initiative. If you have any technical questions regarding the online system, please contact the UFHelp Desk at (352)392-HELP (4357), or If you have any questions about the content of the FAR, please contact Armando Ramirez at
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