Student Experience in the Research University (SERU) survey results

Published: January 6th, 2012

Category: Memos

Joe Glover, Provost and Senior Vice President

Results of the Student Experience in the Research University (SERU) survey that UF administered to all undergraduate students this past spring are now available on the Institutional Planning and Research Web site:

The SERU survey was conducted for the first time in 2009 and again in Spring 2011. In addition to the University of Florida, participating public institutions conducting SERU surveys in 2011 included: University of California Berkeley, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, University of Michigan, University of Pittsburgh, University of Texas, University of Oregon and Rutgers University

Key SERU findings this year include:

  • Most UF students generally are satisfied with their experience: UF ranked 2nd in social experience, 2nd in value of education for the price, but only 5th of 8 participating public AAU institutions in satisfaction with academic experience
  • UF was 2nd of the eight institutions in the percentage of students who agreed or strongly agreed that: “I feel that I belong at this campus” (74% vs. 69% at other AAUs), but ranked 4th on agreement that “they would choose to enroll again, knowing what they know now” (77% vs. 72% at other AAUs)
  • Ratings of academic course experiences were measured by the percent satisfied or very satisfied by UF students and students at other AAU institutions: Faculty quality (65% at UF vs. 68% at other AAU institutions), TA instruction (51% vs. 51%), lower division course quality (51% vs.50%), and upper division course quality (67% vs. 65%)
  • Ratings by UF students of advising quality were higher than other AAUs in most cases, also measured by percent satisfied or very satisfied: Faculty advising (56% vs. 55%) student peer advisers (44% vs. 40%), college/school-level staff advising (51% vs. 49%), departmental staff (52% vs. 53%)
  • UF students were generally less concerned about paying for college or accumulated debt than students at other AAUs. However, the number of UF students concerned about paying for college next year was 12% higher than current concerns
  • With respect to debt, fewer UF survey respondents (28%) stated they were concerned or very concerned compared to students at other AAU schools (38%)

Please review the 2011 SERU results and determine whether there are particular survey results that prove especially helpful in assessing the effectiveness of programs in your college. The SERU survey results are not only valuable for improving our campus programs and services for our students, but are also a substantial resource for our upcoming SACS accreditation process. Additionally, any areas that need improvement should be discussed and solutions identified where possible.

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