Save the Date: Academic Administrators Seminar Series
Dr. Kathleen Ann Long, Associate Provost
Please advise new department chairs and directors in your area of the upcoming Academic Administrators Seminar Series and encourage them to save the dates and register early.
The series is designed to bring together department chairs, directors, associate deans and deans in discussions about academic administrative management at UF, and to provide ongoing training and updated information about management issues for those who are new to their administrative roles.
Below is the list of subjects we’ll address at each session. A registration reminder will be sent before each session. Breakfast and snacks will be served. All of these events will be held in Emerson Alumni Hall.
Part I: Overview of Basic Management Issues
Tuesday, September 18, 2012 8:15 am – 2:00 pm
Welcome by Provost Joe Glover
Department Chairs Wear Many Hats: Mentoring of Junior Faculty and Students; Handling Adverse Events, etc.
Information Available through the Office of Institutional Planning and Research
Legal Tips: What Every Department Chair and Director Should Know
Privacy and Security
Part II: Department Chairs and Directors as Personnel Managers
Thursday, October 18, 2012 8:15 am – 2:00 pm
Welcome by President Machen
Staff Relations: Evaluations, Compensation, Classification and Leave Management
Faculty Evaluations
Letters of Offer and Common Mistakes
Managing Conflict
Part III: Financial Management and Student Issues
Tuesday, November 6, 2012 8:15 am – 2:30 pm
Helping Students in Distress: a Faculty and Staff Resource Guide
University Budget and Fiscal Accountability
How to Use the UFF Foundation
Academic Integrity and working with disruptive students
First Generation Students
To register, please visit:
If you have any questions or suggestions for these seminars, please contact my assistant, Ellen Sattler at
Thank you.
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