UF On Target Classification Project
Paula Varnes Fussell, Vice President for Human Resource Services
The Office of Human Resources is launching a comprehensive review of UF’s TEAMS classification titles to ensure they are meaningful and accurate, with clear career paths. This project represents the first comprehensive review and update of the UF staff classification system since the state restructured staff classifications in the early 1990s. When implemented, the “UF On Target Classification Project” will:
– Provide TEAMS employees with more meaningful job titles that reflect what they do
– Establish clearer career paths and potential promotional opportunities through logical job groupings
– Enable UF to align training and development plans with job classifications to better help employees get the training they need
– Allow for more meaningful performance evaluations tied to the jobs being performed
– Help recruit great candidates when jobs are vacant because qualified applicants will more readily understand what our job titles mean
This is not a compensation project — employees’ pay is not expected to increase or decrease as a result.
A steering committee has been put in place to guide this project. Work groups based on job families and composed of both HR and campus representatives will be engaged to help identify more accurate titles for job families. Members of the project steering committee and a preliminary list of job families are available on the project website, www.hr.ufl.edu/class_comp/ontarget.asp.
While the “On Target” project has begun, it is not expected that TEAMS employees will transition to the new classification structure until fall 2014 through early spring 2015. For more information, please see the project website at www.hr.ufl.edu/class_comp/ontarget.asp or send your questions to Brent Goodman, associate director for Classification and Compensation at bgoodman@ufl.edu, or Jodi Gentry, assistant vice president for HRS, at jodi-gentry@ufl.edu.
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