UF On Target Update

Published: October 9th, 2015

Category: Memos

Paula Varnes Fussell, Vice President for Human Resource Services

The UF On Target Classification Project was launched in fiscal year 2013-14 with the purpose of identifying job titles for TEAMS (staff) employees that more accurately reflect what they do.  Since the launch of the project, a university-wide project steering committee and multiple work groups from across campus have worked to identify representative job titles for staff (see http://hr.ufl.edu/talent-management/current-projects/on-target/workgroups/). Much work has occurred over the past two years, and we are pleased to announce that we have reached a key phase in the transition to the new TEAMS classification system.

To support the implementation of the new TEAMS titles, a TEAMS job titles website has been created that includes proposed titles as well as job families, series, and detailed descriptions and specifications. The new website, found at http://hr.ufl.edu/teams-titles/, is intended to support campus HR representatives and managers as they begin the process of identifying new titles for TEAMS employees in their area. Outreach to college HR representatives as well as areas with unique work requirements has already occurred—and regular updates have been shared via the InfoGator and other communication vehicles.

Remaining work and timeframes associated with the project are as follows:

Open comment and feedback period: Wednesday, October 7, through Wednesday, October 21

If you have not already reviewed the website of proposed titles, please do so now and provide any concerns or questions to the Classification and Compensation team by October 21.

Assigning recommended titles: Wednesday, October 7, through Friday, November 13

During this time, we are asking departments, working through their area’s HR representatives, to identify which titles they recommend for TEAMS employees in their areas.

Job vacancy postings: Wednesday, October 7

As TEAMS vacancies become available, the new job classification titles will be available for posting immediately. For assistance with this, please contact your recruiter.

Classification and Compensation review: November 2015 through January 2016

The Classification and Compensation team will review job title recommendations provided by work units, using position descriptions on file in the myUFL system.

Implementation of new titles—January through February 2016

To support this timeline, an On Target job classification file has been created.  With functionality similar to the raise review process, this file lists all TEAMS employees in each area. It will be the departments’ responsibility to identify which titles are being recommended for employees in their areas by referring to the On Target job titles website mentioned above for guidance. The titles proposed will be reviewed by the Classification and Compensation team by comparing the recommendations to position descriptions currently on file in the myUFL system.  After this review, new titles will be implemented by job family throughout January and February.

The On Target job classification file will be open October 7 through November 13 and can be accessed by employees with the UF_EPAF_Department Admin and UF_EPAF_Level 1 Approver security roles.  For your convenience, it may be exported to an Excel spreadsheet.  See http://training.hr.ufl.edu/instructionguides/ontarget/OnTargetFile_IG.pdf for an instruction guide to assist.

A few reminders:
The UF On Target Classification Project is not designed to change employee responsibilities or compensation; it is designed to put in place meaningful and more accurate titles.

Managers and supervisors play an important role in ensuring their employees are slotted into the appropriate class specifications. See here for suggested actions: http://hr.ufl.edu/teams-titles/supervisors. Open lab sessions will also be held on October 12 and 19, at which Classification and Compensation representatives will be on hand to answer questions and discuss classification choices. To register, please login to http://mytraining.hr.ufl.edu and search for course code GET068.

Questions? Please contact the Classification and Compensation team at ontarget@ufl.edu.

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