Search for CALS Dean

Published: June 20th, 2024

Category: Memos

Dr. Scott Angle, Provost

Today, UF announced that Dr. Elaine Turner, Dean of the UF College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, plans to leave her position and return to the faculty by the end of the calendar year. I’m writing to thank Dean Turner for her exceptional leadership and to share information on the search for her successor.

Dean Turner was appointed in 2014 and has led CALS with distinction. Her commitment and love for CALS, and her dedication to the college’s students, have been remarkable.

I am pleased to announce that Dr. Dana Zimmel, dean of the UF College of Veterinary Medicine, has agreed to serve as the chair of the search committee for the next CALS dean.

We will conduct a national search and appoint the most accomplished and talented individual to this key leadership position. Please don’t hesitate to share the job announcement link, throughout your networks. Our goal is to attract a large pool of exceptional applicants to ensure that CALS continues to soar. We would like to have the new dean start in January 2025.



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