Nominations of Faculty Members
Clay Scherer, Chairman
We are seeking nominations for the Florida Blue Key Distinguished Faculty Awards. Recognition of individuals who have demonstrated outstanding service and dedication to the University of Florida has long been the goal of Florida Blue Key. We feel that the faculty members who are truly committed to students and to the University of Florida community deserve to be recognized, so each year Florida Blue Key presents the Distinguished Faculty Awards at the Florida Blue Key Banquet during the Homecoming Weekend.
As leaders of your respective administrative and teaching programs, we request that you discuss with your department(s) and submit nominations based on the criteria listed below. Nominations must be submitted by the Dean of your college or by a University Vice-President, however, please submit no more than one nomination per department.
Applications should include the following: evidence of a distinguished teaching record and a genuine commitment to students, recognition of abilities, talents, and skills by their peers, a record of scholarly achievement through research and publication, a sensitivity to and concern for the development of students, and an overall commitment to the University of Florida. Your advice and recommendations will greatly enhance the credibility of this award.
The official nomination forms have been forwarded to the Deans’ offices, so please discuss your recommendations with the Dean of your college. The deadline for receipt of all nominations and supporting materials is Wednesday, October 28, 1998. I ask that you include in your nomination as much information about the nominee as possible. Letters in support of the nomination which specifically address the selection criteria mentioned above are encouraged. The selection committee will make its decisions based upon the information that is submitted to it. Please direct all correspondence to the Florida Blue Key office at 312 J. Wayne Reitz Union, CAMPUS, or call 337-0022.
Your concern and cooperation in this matter are greatly appreciated. With your support, Florida Blue Key will continue to recognize Florida’s finest leaders in higher education.
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