Important Dates for Tuition Payment Processing
Nancy Paris
Listings of graduate students demonstrating financial need are now available in our office for colleges to pick up. This information is provided to assist you in issuing need-based scholarships. An updated listing will be made available for colleges to pick up on January 4 so that any necessary changes may be made prior to the initial batch processing of tuition payments.
Important dates surrounding Spring term batch processing are as follows:
- January 4-6, warning e-mail messages will be sent to allow corrections to be made in the LOA
- File prior to the initial batch.
- Janaury 7, LOA File will close at noon.
- January 8, initial batch of tuition payments will be processed.
- Janaury 13, LOA File will re-open for departmental/college input.
- April 30, correction deadline for making changes to the LOA File for Spring term.
The graduate school is now issuing reports detailing waiver costs twice per semester to each authority code contact person via e-mail. The final report for Fall term will be sent Janaury 5. Spring term reports will be transmitted on February 23 and May 18. Please send comments and suggestions concerning this report to Dan Hanson ( or me.
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