Special Training for Administration of Cost Accounting Standards
John P. Kruczek, University Controller
The Office of Contract and Grant Accounting will conduct a number of training sessions on the impact of federal cost accounting standards for University Sponsored Research activities. As a major educational and research institution with federal contracts and grants, the University of Florida will be required to comply with certain federal cost accounting standards and to submit a disclosure statement to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) that describes our cost accounting practices as they relate to the assessment of direct and indirect charges to sponsored programs. Our accounting practices include those policies and procedures followed by campus service centers in the allocation of their service costs.
Because this change will require the university to standardize the way we charge similar costs faculty researchers and departmental administrators will be directly affected. Faculty and staff who administer contracts and grants should plan to attend, or send a representative to one of these training sessions. University personnel who will find this information useful include departmental fiscal staff, contract and grant staff, principal investigators and departmental administrators.
The following are a planned agenda and schedule for training workshops listing dates, times and places. Please call Fred Cantrell at 392-1235 to register for one of these training sessions.
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