REVISED – Student Tuition and Fees, Fall 2004

Published: September 17th, 2004

Category: Memos

Michael V. McKee, University Controller

This is a revision of the earlier “Student Tuition and Fees” Deans and Director memorandum dated August 9, 2004. This revision is necessary because the University has received information clarifying a change the legislature mandated in the manner that tuition is charged to out-of-state students. Please note that although the total amount per credit hours of fees does not change, the non-resident fees and tuitions have been itemized into components titled “non-resident fee and non- resident tuition”. This revision may change the amount of fees available to be waived for undergraduates and Dentistry non-resident students.

This memorandum is provided to inform faculty and staff of tuition and fees effective Fall Semester, 2004. This information may be accessed on the web at:
Fall 2004 fees are shown in comparison to Fall 2003 fees.
Changes are highlighted in bold print. Pursuant to Section 1009.285, F.S., each student enrolled in the same undergraduate course more than twice will be assessed an extra $169.12 per credit hour in addition to the fees for each such course.

The fee structure for Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Medicine students for Fall 2004 and Spring 2005 may be accessed at:
Medical, Dental and Veterinary Medicine students are charged tuition and fees for the academic year, and are payable in two installments, Fall and Spring.

As a result of electronic services available on ISIS, students may now view their University debts and fees. Therefore, they will not receive printed, tuition pre-term bills. Students may determine their tuition debt in two ways as follows:by accessing ISIS (; or by using the self-serve personal computers in the University Financial Services lobby at S113 Criser.

A list of courses with Material and Supply Fees will be listed in the Fall 2004 Tuition and Fees brochure, which will be available in mid-August at If information is needed before then, please contact Diane Hurtak, Accounting Coordinator, at 392-0765, to obtain the list.

Tuition and Fee information can also be found on the web at, then select Student links.




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