Doctoral Dissertation/Mentoring Award Winners

Published: March 12th, 2009

Category: Memos

Dr. Henry Frierson, Associate Vice President and Dean

The life of the university is greatly enhanced by the quality of our doctoral students, and they take their direction from our many outstanding faculty members. In an effort to continue to promote doctoral studies and to recognize excellence in doctoral student mentoring by our faculty, awards are given each year to five faculty doctoral advisors selected on a competitive basis. The Doctoral Dissertation Advisor/Mentoring Award winners for the 2008-2009 competition were:

Prof. James Algina
Educational Psychology

Prof. Marc Branch

Prof. Hartmut Derendorf

Prof. Lisa McElwee-White

Prof. Scott Powers
Applied Physiology & Kinesiology

You can find their photographs and personal statements at:

Please distribute this message to your faculty and encourage them to review what these award winners have to say about doctoral student mentoring.

Each winner will receive a $3000 cash award plus $1000 to support their graduate students. Please join the Graduate School in recognizing these outstanding doctoral faculty advisors/mentors.

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