OPS Faculty and Post-doctoral Raise File
Rita Cowan
Academic Affairs is issuing a separate raise file for January 1, 1997 for OPS faculty and post-doctoral associate employees in an effort to reduce paperwork and to simplify the appointment process for raises this year. Computer listings of the raise file for OPS faculty and post-doctoral associates who have current assignments in the personnel/payroll system will be available according to the schedule listed below. This listing will not include the OPS faculty who are in the collective bargaining unit nor the phased retirement employees.
The following schedule will be used to process the raise file:
- 11/22/96
- The raise file will be available for pickup in Room 29, Tigert Hall.
- 12/10/96
- The raise file is due back to Academic Personnel Office in Room 29, Tigert Hall by 5:00 PM. These are to be delivered rather than mailed to ensure compliance with the deadline.
- 12/16/96
- The updated copy of the raise file will be available for pick up in Room 29, Tigert Hall for final review and correction before the raises are put in the personnel/payroll system.
- 12/18/86
- The final copy of the raise file is due back to the Academic Personnel Office in Room 29, Tigert Hall by 5:00 PM. These should be delivered and not sent through campus mail.
Raises will be applied to all appointments for an individual using the dates of assignment and FTE listed in the personnel/payroll system at the time we apply raises.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please call Janet Crawford or me at 392-1251.
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