Updates to Employee Fee Waivers
John P. Kruczek, University Controller
Beginning in the 1998 Summer B Term an enhancement has been made to the Employee Fee Waiver procedures, which simplifies the process. Employees are no longer required to obtain an approval from University Personnel Services (UPS).
The required authorization signatures that must be obtained on the Fee Waiver Application form are as follows:
- Dean of the College where course is offered
- Chair of the Department where course is offered
- Employee
- Supervisor of employee
- Department Head (If applicable) of the employee
It is also important to note that some courses are not eligible for employee fee waivers. According to University of Florida Administrative Code 6C1-1.012(c), employee fee waivers may not be accepted for courses which increase direct cost.
“Courses which increase direct cost include but are not limited to TBA (to be arranged), computer courses, laboratory courses, individualized courses, internships, and dissertation and masters thesis courses. The appropriate college and/or department offering the particular course shall determine whether or not it is designated in this category. However, any course in the categories listed above may be eligible for fee waiver provided such course(s) is part of a faculty member’s performance of funded or unfunded research or the registrant is performing a service for the University and should be exempted form having to pay the course fee. Courses taken by IFAS employees at Agricultural Research and Education Centers and County Extension offices shall be considered on campus for the purpose of tuition free waiver.”
University Financial Services (UFS) will verify if the course is designated in one of the categories listed above. If the course fits into one of the above categories, a fee waiver will not be processed for the employee. However, if an employee meets one of the two exceptions listed above, the department will need to send supportive documentation to the UFS office (ATTN: Fee Waiver Unit).
Departmental staff who approve Fee Waiver Applications forms should carefully review the tax exemption section of the wavier form before signing. The determination of the tax exemption for educational assistance is an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requirement. We appreciate your cooperation.
If you have any questions, please contact, Ruth Harris, Assistant Controller for University Financial Services at (352) 392-0779. To obtain the State Employee Registration Fee Waiver Application(s) form, please contact the Registrar’s office, 222 Criser Hall or call 392-1361.
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