University of Florida Rules

Published: August 13th, 2001

Category: Memos

Pamela J. Bernard, General Counsel

University of Florida Rules

Rule 6C1-2.005 University of University Facilities; Outdoor Areas
Rule 6C1-2.012 University of Florida; Use of University Facilities; Fees for Use and Admissions Charges
Rule 6C1-2.0161 University of Florida; Banner Policy
Rule 6C1-4.006 Student Affairs; Commercial Activity; Selling of Merchandise, Activities Involving Off-Campus Vendors
Rule 6C1-7.051 Academic Affairs; The University Record

The above-referenced rules in their final form are published on the Academic Affairs website at Revisions to these rules were published in The Gainesville Sun on May 10, 2001. The effective date for these amended rules was July 9, 2001.

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