Ainsley Carry named Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs
Patricia Telles-Irvin, Vice President for Student Affairs
I am pleased to announce that Dr. Ainsley Carry, Associate Vice President and Dean of Students at Temple University, has been appointed Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs at the University of Florida. Dr. Carry will assume his duties here on November 13, 2006.
Dr. Carry joined Temple University in 2004 as the Associate Vice President and Dean of Students; he supervised nine student support areas, including University Housing, Greek Life, Campus Recreation, and the Student Center. He developed and monitored strategic plans for the Division of Student Affairs and chaired the University Alcohol Task Force. He is also the founder and former national chair for the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators’ Knowledge Community for Student Leadership Programs.
Prior to joining Temple, Dr. Carry worked as the Associate Dean of Students at the University of Arkansas, and has also served at Southern Methodist University. Since 1997 he has held positions as the Coordinator of Learning Services, Director of Multicultural Student Affairs, Director of Student Support Services, Director of the Enhanced Learning Center, and adjunct assistant professor of higher education administration.
Dr. Carry is a native of Miami. He received his doctoral degree in higher education administration, his master’s in counselor education, and his bachelor’s in food and resource economics from the University of Florida. He is a former member of the Gator football team.
Please join me in welcoming Dr. Carry back to the University of Florida community.
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