Holiday Closing Period
Kyle Cavanaugh, Senior Vice President for Administration
I am pleased to announce that this year the university will observe Monday, December 24, 2007, as a holiday in addition to the regular December and New Year holidays. The December 24 holiday also will be observed by the university’s various outpatient health clinics. This decision was based on the proximity of that date related to the holiday closing period which runs from December 25, 2007, through January 1, 2008. Adding December 24 to our holiday schedule will allow us to reduce our energy consumption for a total of 11 days, which will result in significant cost savings for the university.
The holiday closing period is designed to offer departments the flexibility to close or significantly reduce staffing during the holiday season as decided by the appropriate vice presidents working with deans, directors, and department chairs in their areas. Since December 24 would otherwise be the only day that non-essential employees would be required to report to work, President Machen has approved this day as a holiday for all employees.
In addition, all TEAMS employees and 12-month Academic Personnel will be credited with four personal leave days to be used where possible during the period of December 26 through December 31. UF vice presidents—working with deans, directors, and department chairs—will determine which TEAMS employees and 12-month Academic Personnel are considered essential personnel and, therefore will be required to work to support campus operations. HSC faculty, staff, and students with clinic responsibilities must check with their respective colleges to determine their work requirements.
USPS employees are not eligible for the four personal leave days between December 26th and December 31, but they may be required to use vacation or accrued compensatory leave during the holiday closing period if a department chooses to close or upon supervisory request.
In the event a USPS employee does not have accrued vacation leave to cover the period, he or she may request that vacation leave be advanced to cover that absence, in which case the department is obligated to provide such leave. The holiday closing period is the only time during which vacation leave may be advanced. USPS employees also may use leave without pay, in keeping with University of Florida policy, during this time.
For planning purposes, I recommend that you initiate discussions to determine which departments and work units will be closed or to what extent departments and work units will be closed during the December 26 through December 31 time period. I also recommend that you, identify which employees will be designated “essential,” determine whether USPS employees will be required to take time off during this period, and that you share this information with employees in your area. Additional information on the holiday closing period will be distributed via the InfoGator later this month.
For additional information, please contact Central Leave at (352) 392-5732, or at
From the Office of Human Resource Services, we wish you a joyous and safe holiday season.
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