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University Registrar Announcement

Published: May 5th, 2023

Dr. Mary Parker, Vice President for Enrollment Management and Associate Provost

Following a national search, I am pleased to announce that Dr. Casey Bullock accepted our offer to become University Registrar and will begin on August 1, 2023.

Dr. Bullock comes to the University of Florida from Weber State University in Ogden, Utah where he serves as Executive Director and University Registrar. A respected leader in policy, and technology innovation, Dr. Bullock has successfully moved his campus in developing predictive analytics around course enrollment, […]

Interim Dean, Levin College of Law

Published: Apr 26th, 2023

Joseph Glover, Provost and Sr. Vice President for Academic Affairs

I am pleased to announce that Merritt McAlister, associate professor of law, has accepted the position of Interim Dean of the Levin College of Law, effective June 1, 2023.

Professor McAlister teaches and writes in the areas of federal courts, judicial decision-making, constitutional law, and court administration. Her scholarship focuses on issues of institutional design at the federal appellate courts. Professor McAlister’s award-winning work has been published in or is forthcoming in the University […]

Information for 2023 Fiscal Year-End Closing Period

Published: Apr 24th, 2023

Olga Weider, Assistant Vice President and University Controller

We are rapidly approaching another fiscal year end, with the 2022-23 fiscal year ending on June 30, 2023. The scheduled date for closing the General Ledger for the 2023 fiscal year is July 12, 2023.

Year-end closing requires coordinated efforts to ensure all financial activities are accurately recorded, and I want to express my appreciation to the fiscal staff across campus whose hard work is essential to ensuring this process is successful. I encourage you to […]

Doctoral Dissertation/Mentoring Award Winners

Published: Apr 17th, 2023

Dr. Nicole LP Stedman, Associate Provost and Dean

The life of the university is greatly enhanced by the quality of our doctoral students, and they take their direction from our many outstanding faculty members.  In an effort to continue to promote doctoral studies and to recognize excellence in doctoral student mentoring by our faculty, awards are given each year to at least five faculty doctoral advisors selected on a competitive basis.  The Doctoral Dissertation Advisor/Mentoring Award winners for the 2022-2023 competition are:

Kyle AllenAssociate […]

UF Leadership Development Programs—Applications Open!

Published: Apr 17th, 2023

Melissa Curry, Interim Vice President, UFHR

I’m pleased to announce that applications for UF’s 2023-2024 Leadership Development programs — including Advanced Leadership for Academics and Professionals (ALAP), the UF Academy, and the Managers Cohort — will be accepted through May 5, 2023. These highly regarded programs will run from fall of 2023 through May 2024.

Because leadership development is essential to the effective management of a university, I hope you will encourage individuals from your respective areas to apply for one of the programs. […]

UF senior vice president and chief financial officer Chris Cowen departs for Cornell University

Published: Apr 12th, 2023

Ben Sasse, President

After serving three years as the University of Florida’s senior vice president and chief financial officer, Chris Cowen will step down to accept a similar role at Cornell University beginning July 1.

“Chris has done amazing work for Gator Nation, and we’re tremendously grateful for his clear-eyed vision and his commitment to excellence,” UF President Ben Sasse said. “He’s a seasoned professional with private and public sector experience who managed the university’s complex financial operations with skill and a steady hand. […]

Schedule of Paydays and Critical Dates – FY 2023-2024

Published: Apr 11th, 2023

Olga N. Weider, Assistant Vice President and University Controller

A Schedule of Paydays and Critical Dates for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 can be accessed on the Payroll Services, Finance and Accounting website at:

The schedule includes Time and Labor deadlines as well as the Human Resource office’s deadlines to assure that all supporting documents are received in time for approval for the next payday.

If you have questions you may contact Payroll Services at or (352) 392-1231.

Academy of Distinguished Teaching Scholars (ADTS)

Published: Mar 29th, 2023

Joseph Glover, Provost and Sr. Vice President for Academic Affairs

Each year the Academy of Distinguished Teaching Scholars (ADTS) honors University of Florida’s exceptional teaching and scholarship accomplishments by inducting into its membership faculty members who have demonstrated sustained innovation and commitment in both areas. Please join me in welcoming the 2022-2023 inductee:

Pavlo “Pasha” Antonenko, Associate Professor, Educational Technology, College of Education

This teacher-scholar was selected based on portfolio submissions that provided strong evidence of the integration of superior teaching and research and a […]

University Tenure, Permanent Status, and Promotion Nominations 2023-24

Published: Mar 27th, 2023

Chris Hass, Associate Provost for Academic and Faculty Affairs

Faculty members being considered for tenure, permanent status, and/or promotion in the academic year 2023-2024 must be made aware of the website URL where they can find the University’s “Guidelines and Information Regarding the Tenure, Permanent Status and/or Promotion Process for 2023-2024”.  This information also should be given to new faculty to familiarize them with our tenure and promotion process.  Faculty should be aware, however, that the “Guidelines” are updated annually.

Academic Affairs will send […]

Notices of New Regulation and Regulation Amendment

Published: Mar 23rd, 2023

Amy Meyers Hass, Vice President and General Counsel

University of Florida New RegulationUF Regulation 7.050 – Examinations and Assessments

University of Florida Regulation AmendmentUF Regulation 7.100 – Academic Program Termination and Temporary Suspension of New Enrollments

The above-referenced regulation and regulation amendment were approved by the University Board of Trustees on March 17, 2023.  The final version of the regulation and regulation amendment are now effective and have been published on the University’s Regulations website at  

Thank you.