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Survey of Office Supply Vendors on Contract

Published: Mar 13th, 1998

Emily J. Hamby C.P.M., Director of Purchasing

Attached is a survey to measure the performance of the contract vendors for office supplies. Please distribute to the appropriate staff member for completion.

Select survey.doc , a 40KB Microsoft WORD ’97 document OR
survey.pdf , a 7KB Acrobat file, which can be downloaded to print and fill out with a pen.

Annual Contract for Photographic Supplies

Published: Apr 2nd, 1997

Harold King, Purchasing Coordinator

University of Florida’s Invitation to Bid No. 97J-84YC has been renewed with the vendor listed below for use by University of Florida Department for an additional one year period to provide for economies in the purchases of prices and conditions set forth in this notice. The renewal period will be in effect from July 1, 1997 through June 30, 1998.

8650 SW 132 STREET
MIAMI FL 33156

PHONE # 800-252-3008
FAX […]

Student Tuition and Fees, Fall 1996

Published: Jul 22nd, 1996

John P. Kruczek, University Controller

This report is provided to inform faculty and staff of tuition and fees effective Fall Semester, 1996. The Fall 1996 fees are shown in comparison to Fall 1995 fees.

Changes in fees are highlighted in bold print.

0000-4999 […]

New Payment Process for Post- and Pre-doctoral Fellowships

Published: Jul 10th, 1996

Rita Cowan, Administrative Services Coordinator

Effective with the pay period beginning August 9, 1996 (for the check received around August 30, 1996) the payment process for post- and pre-doctoral fellowships will change. The new process, which will be done through University Financial Services instead of the Bureau of State Payrolls, will be of benefit since we can ensure that no FICA or withholding taxes are taken out of the stipend payments and that income for fellowships is not reported on W-2’s. However, if […]

Provost Candidate Visiting Monday

Published: Jun 6th, 1996

Pat Sivinski, FSC Manager

The Faculty Support Center is pleased to announce its faculty seminar schedule for the Summer B term, 1996. Please circulate the enclosed brochure to the FACULTY, A&P, POST-DOCTORAL ASSOCIATES, and VISITING SCHOLARS in your department. We appreciate your cooperation in announcing our schedule and took forward to serving the members of your department.

The FSC offers separate seminars for USPS employees. We send several copies of the blue USPS registration form to each department. Please notify the employees in your area of […]

Future DDD Memos

Published: Apr 9th, 1996

Gerald Schaffer, Vice President for Administrative Affairs

A system to send DDD (Deans, Directors and Department Chairs) memos electronically has been established to provide more timely notices and more efficient distribution of information throughout the university. Generally, memos that are one page or less will be distributed by e-mail and a copy will be archived on the worldwide web at the following address:


Longer memos or those with documentation will be summarized in e-mail announcements with the full text available on the web at […]

Cancellation of Existing Maintenance Agreements

Published: Apr 5th, 1996

Emily J. Hamby, C.P.M, Director of Purchasing

If you are taking advantage of the Maintenance Insurance Program using CIC Agency, Inc. and you have a maintenance contract for this fiscal year, you will need to notify your current vendor that you will not be renewing your maintenance contract but will be having your maintenance done on a time and materials basis.

Attached is a letter that you can use to notify your current vendor. You may duplicate it as many times as you need […]

Physical Plant Division Customer Survey

Published: Apr 1st, 1996

David S. O’Brien, Director

Last March, the Physical Plant Division conducted a campus-wide customer survey as one of the first steps in our Total Quality Management Program. The feedback we received was very enlightening and formed the basis for operational changes we have made to improve our services. We intend to make the customer survey an annual event to continuously measure the results of our efforts and to gather additional customer feedback regarding areas that may need further improvement.

We have sent 200 surveys […]

CIC Agency, Inc. Maintenance Insurance

Published: Mar 20th, 1996

Edward E. Gilbert, Director, Operations Analysis

On Thursday March 28, 1996, in room 346 at the J. Wayne Reitz Union, four sessions will be held to explain the new University of Florida equipment maintenance contract with CIC Agency, Inc.

The new contract was announced in Administrative Affairs Memorandum No. 163 dated February 23, 1996, to Deans, Directors, and Department Chairs. A copy of the memo is enclosed and is also available on the World Wide Web (http://www.admin.ufl.edu/ddd/dddlist.htm). Administrative Affairs strongly endorses this new equipment […]